GE Multilin L90 Line Current Differential System 5-1575 SETTINGS 5.6 GROUPED ELEMENTS5Figure 5–82: LOAD ENCROACHMENT APPLIED TO DISTANCE ELEMENT• LOAD ENCROACHMENT MIN VOLT: This setting specifies the minimum positive-sequence voltage required for oper-ation of the element. If the voltage is below this threshold a blocking signal will not be asserted by the element. Whenselecting this setting one must remember that the L90 measures the phase-to-ground sequence voltages regardless ofthe VT connection.The nominal VT secondary voltage as specified with the SYSTEM SETUP ÖØ AC INPUTS Ö VOLTAGE BANK X5 ÖØ PHASEVT SECONDARY setting is the per-unit base for this setting.• LOAD ENCROACHMENT REACH: This setting specifies the resistive reach of the element as shown in the Loadencroachment characteristic diagram. This setting should be entered in secondary ohms and be calculated as the pos-itive-sequence resistance seen by the relay under maximum load conditions and unity power factor.• LOAD ENCROACHMENT ANGLE: This setting specifies the size of the blocking region as shown on the Loadencroachment characteristic diagram and applies to the positive-sequence impedance.Figure 5–83: LOAD ENCROACHMENT SCHEME LOGIC837731A1.CDRXRSETTINGSETTINGSETTING SETTINGSETTINGSSETTINGSFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSLOAD ENCROACHMENTFUNCTION:LOAD ENCRMNT BLK:LOAD ENCROACHMENTSOURCE:LOAD ENCROACHMENTMIN VOLT:LOAD ENCROACHMENTRST DELAY:LOAD ENCROACHMENTPKP DELAY:LOAD ENCROACHMENTREACH:LOAD ENCROACHMENTANGLE:Load EncroachmentCharacteristic LOAD ENCHR OPLOAD ENCHR DPOLOAD ENCHR PKPOff=0Pos Seq Voltage (V_1) V_1 > PickupPos Seq Current (I_1)Enabled=1Disabled=0827847A2.CDRRUNttPKPRSTAND