TroubleshootingDo the following:• Check for defective, broken, or disconnected leadwires.• Run the Patient Leadwire diagnostic test to verify that each leadwire isfunctioning properly. See “Testing the Patient Leadwires” on page 59 for moreinformation.• Check for defective or expired electrodes.Additionally, you can use the Hookup Advisor to monitor ECG signal quality. It canhelp you pinpoint whether the noise is caused by leadwire failure, baseline shift,muscle artifacts, power line interference, baseline wander, or electrode noise. This canpoint you to the correct areas for additional troubleshooting. Refer to Chapter 7,Recording a Resting ECG, in the MAC™ 2000 ECG Analysis System Operator’s Manualfor more information.General Fault IsolationRefer to the operator’s manual for this system to verify the correct operation of thesystem.When trying to isolate a system issue, perform the following steps1. Verify that the system passes the power-up self test.2. Conduct a visual inspection of the system.3. Review the system event log for errors, warnings, and informational messagesthat will help you identify and isolate system problems.4. Perform diagnostic tests.Each step is described in more detail in the following sections.Power Up Self TestOn power-up, the system automatically runs an internal self-test. If all tests pass,you see the following start-up screen.The next screen to open depends on the Power Up mode selected in SystemConfiguration. The Resting ECG mode is the default Power Up mode.136 MAC™ 2000 ECG Analysis System 2053535-003C