Technical SpecificationsProcessing (cont'd.)Item SpecificationsECG transmission Resting ECGs can be transferred via the serial interface, modem,LAN, as well as SD-card from the MAC2000 system to other ECGsystems (CardioSoft/CardioSys, MUSE) for further processing andarchiving.In addition, Resting ECG can be received via serial line, modem,and SD Card.Patient Data Patient information entry: Patient ID, Secondary Patient ID,Height, Weight, Gender, Race, Pacemaker Patient, Systolic BP,Diastolic BP, Location#, Room, Order Number, Phone Number,Medication, Ordering Physician, Referring Physician, AttendingPhysician, Technician, Test indication, four user-definable fields.Electrode connections RA, RL, LA, LL, V1–V6, Nax, NstDetection of pacemakerpulseLower scale: 0.2 ms duration, 0.5 mV amplitudeHigher scale: 2.0 ms duration, 250 mV amplitudeArchiving ECG data is printed outInternal memory is present on this system.External Storage SD Card available for storageInput/Output Interface RS232 port for connectivity to MUSE systems v7.1.1 and v8.0.1and CASE/CardioSoft systems V6.51, V6.61, and CardioSoft V6.71,and remote control signal from ergometersEthernet interface RJ45 connectorChannels 6, 12QRS detection AvailableMuscle filter 20 Hz, 40 Hz, 100 Hz, 150 HzAutomatic baselinecorrectionUser-selectableOperating Modes, Features, and OptionsOperating Modes and FeaturesItem SpecificationsResting ECG Mode Recordsandprints12-leadrestingECGswith10secondsdurationas a standard feature.Arrhythmia Mode Continuously monitors ECG and prints report when arrhythmiaevents of the user-selected class occurExercise/Stress TestModeExercise mode for exercise stress testingRR Analysis Mode RR Analysis for RR interval analysisHookup Advisor Provides visual indication of signal quality2053535-003C MAC™ 2000 ECG Analysis System 175