IntroductionService InformationThis section provides information pertaining to the maintenance and servicing of thesystem. Familiarize yourself with this information before requesting service from GEHealthcare or its authorized representatives.Service RequirementsFor systems with hardware provided by GE Healthcare, failure on the part of theresponsible individual, hospital, or institution using this equipment to implementa satisfactory maintenance schedule may result in equipment failure and possiblesafety hazards.For software only products, maintenance of the hardware and operating system onwhich the software resides is the responsibility of the customer.Regularmaintenance, irrespectiveofusage, isessentialtoensurethatthecomponentsof this system are always functional when required.Warranty InformationThis device is considered GE Healthcare-supplied hardware. Only authorized GEHealthcare service personnel should service the device. Any unauthorized attempt torepair equipment under warranty voids that warranty. It is the user's responsibility toreport the need for service to GE Healthcare or to one of their authorized agents.Additional AssistanceGE Healthcare maintains a trained staff of application and technical experts to answerquestions and respond to issues and problems that may arise during the installation,maintenance, and use of this system.Contact your local GE Healthcare representative to request additional assistance.Manual InformationThis section provides information for the correct use of this manual.Keep this manual with the equipment at all times and periodically review it. Youshould request training assistance from GE Healthcare, if needed.Manual PurposeThis manual provides technical information for service representatives and technicalpersonnel so they can maintain the equipment to the assembly level. It serves as aguide for maintenance and electrical repairs that are considered field-repairable.Where necessary, the manual identifies additional sources of relevant informationand technical assistance.See the operator’s manual of this system for the instructions necessary to operate theequipment safely in accordance with its function and intended use.Document ConventionsThis manual uses the following conventions.2053535-003C MAC™ 2000 ECG Analysis System 31