GE Multilin F35 Multiple Feeder Protection System 5-415 SETTINGS 5.2 PRODUCT SETUP5IEC 61850 messaging can form part of protection schemes. Consider 61850 settings with the same criticality asprotection element settings. To ensure reliable performance of protection schemes utilizing 61850 messaging, itcan be desirable to route 61850 traffic on a separate port from SCADA communications, or to use redundant, inde-pendent ports, and a high speed network recovery method, such as PRP.The F35 supports the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) protocol as specified by IEC 61850. MMS is supportedover two protocol stacks: TCP/IP over Ethernet. The F35 operates as an IEC 61850 server. The Remote inputs and outputssection in this chapter describe the peer-to-peer GSSE/GOOSE message scheme.The GSSE/GOOSE configuration main menu is divided into two areas: transmission and reception.PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATIONThe main transmission menu is shown below:PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION TRANSMISSIONThe general transmission settings are shown below:PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION TRANSMISSION GENERALThe DEFAULT GSSE/GOOSE UPDATE TIME sets the time between GSSE or GOOSE messages when there are no remote out-put state changes to be sent. When remote output data changes, GSSE or GOOSE messages are sent immediately. Thissetting controls the steady-state heartbeat time interval.The DEFAULT GSSE/GOOSE UPDATE TIME setting is applicable to GSSE, fixed F35 GOOSE, and configurable GOOSE.The GSSE settings are shown below:PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION TRANSMISSION GSEEThese settings are applicable to GSSE only. If the fixed GOOSE function is enabled, GSSE messages are not transmitted. GSSE / GOOSE CONFIGURATION TRANSMISSIONMESSAGE RECEPTION TRANSMISSION GENERALMESSAGE GSSEMESSAGE FIXED GOOSEMESSAGE CONFIGURABLE GOOSE GENERALDEFAULT GSSE/GOOSEUPDATE TIME: 60 sRange: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1 GSSEGSSE FUNCTION:EnabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE GSSE ID:GSSEOutRange: 65-character ASCII stringMESSAGE DESTINATION MAC:000000000000Range: standard MAC addressNOTE