U NIT OPERATION > U SING THE RINO 520/530 R ADIO FEATURESRino ® 520/530 Owner’s Manual 23Sending a LocationAnother feature is the ability to send a specific locationto other Rino users. This comes in handy when you aretrying to round-up the group or you just want to meet at aspecific location. You may send any point found from theFind menu. If the unit needs to wait until 30 seconds haveelapsed since the last position transmission, a “Waiting tosend location...” message appears until the unit is able totransmit. If a location is sent more than once, a number isautomatically added to the end of the name (for example:CAMP, CAMP 1, CAMP 2, etc.).To send a location:1. Press the Thumb Stick In and hold it until theShortcuts Menu is displayed.2. Highlight Find and press the ThumbStick In.3. Highlight the desired category and press theThumb Stick In. ( For the Contacts List, select thedesired contact and press the Thumb Stick In.)4. Depending on which category you select, highlightthe desired item and press the Thumb Stick In todisplay the Information page for that item.5. From the Information Page, highlight the OptionMenu button in the upper right corner of the pageand press the Thumb Stick In.6. Highlight Send Location and press the ThumbStick In again. The unit now sends the point to theother Rino users on your channel/squelch code.To send a location, highlight the OptionMenu from the Waypoint Review Page,select Send Location, and press In.