Setting up the Track LogYou can set the track recordinginterval to Distance, Time, orAutomatic. You can set the Trackdisplay resolution to High, Medium,Low, and Lowest. You can also usethe Option Menu to delete all savedtracks.To use Track Log Setup options:1. Highlight the Tracks Page Setup button on thepage and press the Thumb Stick In to display theSetup Page.2. You can check the Wrap When Full option byhighlighting it and then pressing the Thumb StickIn. You can highlight the Record Method andInterval fields and press the Thumb Stick In todisplay their options. Interval options change toaccommodate the Record Method choices.Using Track ProfilesOnce you have saved a track, younot only have a record of the pathyou traveled but an altitude profileas well. (Rino 530 Only)To view a Track Profile:1. With the Saved Track Page forthe desired track displayed,press the Option Menu button to display theProfile option.2. Press the Thumb Stick In to display the TrackProfile.The beginning of the track is marked by a flag andyou can scroll across the profile using the ThumbStick.As you scroll, the elevation for each point isdisplayed at the top of the page and the distancesof that point from the Start and End points aredisplayed at the bottom of the page.3. At any point on the profile, you can press theThumb Stick In to display that point on the map.Track Log Setup Track ProfileU NIT OPERATION > TRACKS PAGERino ® 520/530 Owner’s Manual 67