Proximity WaypointsThis feature allows you to establish waypoints that havealarm circles around at a distance you can specifiy Thealarm helps you to avoid locations that are restricted orhazardous.To use Proximity Waypoints:1. Cycle the Page/Quit button or press the MainPage button to access the Main Menu.2. Access the Proximity Waypoints Page from theMain Menu by highlighting the Proximity icon andpressing In on the Thumb Stick.2. With the Name field highlighted, press the ThumbStick In to display the Find Menu.3. Select a waypoint from the Waypoints List orfrom any other group of map points and press theThumb Stick In to display the Information Pagefor that item.4. Highlight the “Use” button at the bottom of thepage and press the Thumb Stick In to place thepoint in the list on the Proximity Waypoints Page.5. Next use the Thumb Stick to highlight the Radiusfield if you want to enter a value different than thedefault of 1 mile.6. Highlight the “Proximity Alarms” check box andpress the Thumb Stick In to activate the alarmfeature. When you trigger an alarm, a tone willsound and a “Near Proximity Point” messageappears. When you move outside the set radius,a “Leaving Proximity Point” message displays.When you choose a Contact, the Proximitylocation moves each time the contact updates.7. To remove or review a single entry, press theThumb Stick In. To remove all waypoints fromthe list, press the Option Menu button andchoose Remove All.Proximity Waypoints PageU NIT OPERATION > PROXIMITY WAYPOINTSRino ® 520/530 Owner’s Manual 87