Compass PageThe Compass Page provides active guidance with arotating compass ring that shows your course (heading)while you are moving and a bearing pointer to indicatethe current direction to your destination (bearing) relativeto the course.The Data Fields at the top of the page provide you withnavigation information. The list of data field choices anddefinitions may be found in the “Appendix.”The Compass Ring functions as a magnetic compasswhen you are stationary (Rino 530 only). When you aremoving, the heading is controlled by the GPS receiver(based upon settings customized in the Heading SetupPage).NOTE: The Compass on the Rino 530 must be cali-brated for the greatest accuracy. Refer to page 36 forinformation on calibrating the compass.Using the Compass PageThe two main components of the Compass Page are theBearing Pointer and Compass Ring. The Bearing Pointeralways points directly to the destination, no matter whatyour current location might be. The Compass Ringdisplays your heading.32 Rino ® 520/530 Owner’s ManualU NIT OPERATION > C OMPASS PAGESelectableData FieldsCompass RingBearing Pointer