128Basic OperationAudio MessagesThe GNS 480 provides audio messages, as well as text. A tone accompanies every new text message. The toneis a short “ding” that lasts less than one second. Message tones will not be generated for messages already inthe message list. If message tones are turned on, they will be played even if audio is inhibited. If a second textmessage is generated while the tone is being played, a second tone will not be generated.The GNS 480 provides the following three aural alerts: 500 foot callout, Localizer Alive, and Missed ApproachPoint. 500 foot callout: using baro-corrected altitude, after descending from at least 2000 feet above thesurface elevation at the destination, an audio message will occur once when the aircraft descends below 500feet from the surface elevation at the destination. Localizer Alive: an audio message will occur once when aLocalizer, back-course, or ILS approach is loaded and the Localizer is valid with cross-track deviation of 90%,or less. Missed Approach: when flying an approach and the MAP has been passed an audio message will occuronce. The Missed Approach message will not be played for an ILS or LPV approach (unless the LPV approachhas been downgraded). If audio is inhibited, the audio alert messages are not played. Audio messages do notrequire any pilot input.Message tones can be turned on or off through the system configuration pages. The volume of the messagesand tones are set in the Com or Nav modes with the Audio function.Setting Message Audio Level1. Press COM or VOR.2. Press Menu/Enter to bring up the Menu items. Press Audio.3. With the AMA selection highlighted, turn the Small knob to adjust the level.4. Press Menu/Enter to save your settings.Messages