September 2016 Maintenance ManualQuarterly Maintenance ProceduresPart No. 1272858 Genie Telehandlers 37GTH-1256 and GTH-1544 models• ElongationNote: The pitch of the boom extend chains (boomlower section) shall be 1 inch / 25.4 mm.Note: The pitch of the boom retract chains (boomupper section) shall be 0.75 inches / 19.05 mm.GTH-1256: Only the extend chains should bemeasured.GTH-1544: Both the extend and retract chainsshould be measured.Note: Measurement should be taken in the areawhere the chain articulates most frequently overthe sheaves.Result: The distance measures 1 inch /25.4 mm (lower chain) or 0.75 inches /19.05 mm (upper chain). The chain is withinspecification. Continue with inspection.Result: The distance is greater than 1 inch /25.4 mm (lower chain) or 0.75 inches /19.05 mm. The machine shall be removedfrom service until the chain is replaced.Note: The boom chain's normal life expectancy canbe expressed as a maximum percent of elongationof 2%.Note: Consult Product Support to know the correctprocedure to better understand maximum percentof chain elongation.All models:• Edge wear:Check the chain for wear on the link plateedges caused by running back and forth overthe sheave. The maximum reduction ofmaterial should not exceed 5%.• Cracked plates:Check link side plates for any cracks. Theseare generally a sign of chain fatigue.• Turning pins:Check the pins. The position of the rivetingmust be parallel with the top and bottom of theside plate.If any of these conditions are discovered during theinspection, the chain must be replaced.After inspection and before being returned toservice, the chains must be lubricated with a qualitychain lubricant.Note: Do not use grease to lubricate chains.The chain plates should be brushed with a wirebrush prior to lubrication to clear the spacebetween the plates.The lubricant must penetrate the chain joint toprevent wear. Applying lubricant to the externalsurfaces will prevent rust, but the chains should bearticulated to make sure the lubricant penetrates tothe working surfaces between the pins and links.Lubricant may be applied with a brush, sprayed orpoured on, but the chain should be well floodedwith lubricant and the boom should be extendedand retracted to insure that the lubricant penetratesall working surfaces. All excess lubricant should bewiped away from the external surfaces.Note: Do not use solvents to remove excesslubricant.