Genie Nano-CL Series™ Operational Reference • 31Operational ReferenceUsing CamExpert with Genie Nano CamerasThe Sapera CamExpert tool is the interfacing tool for Teledyne DALSA Camera Link cameras andFrame grabbers. CamExpert allows a user to test camera and frame grabber combination and theirfunctions. Additionally CamExpert saves the Teledyne DALSA frame grabber user settings asindividual camera parameter files on the host system (*.ccf). The camera settings are saved withinthe camera as a user set.An important component of CamExpert is its live acquisition display window which allowsimmediate verification of timing or control parameters without the need to run a separateacquisition program.CamExpert PanesThe various areas of the CamExpert tool are described in the summary figure below. The followingscreen image shows camera and board device Categories and Parameter feature groups.• Device pane: View and select from any installed Sapera acquisition device, if more than one isinstalled in the computer. After a device is selected CamExpert will only present parametersapplicable to that device.