32 • Operational Reference Genie Nano-CL Series™• Parameters pane: Allows viewing or changing all acquisition parameters supported by theacquisition device. CamExpert displays parameters only if those parameters are supported bythe installed device. This avoids confusion by eliminating parameter choices when they do notapply to the hardware in use.When using a Teledyne DALSA frame grabber and camera link camera, CamExpert groups allframe grabber parameters first and then follows with the supported camera features. Togetherthe user configures the imaging system.• Display pane: Provides a live or single frame acquisition display. Frame buffer parameters areshown in an information bar above the image window.• Control Buttons: The Display pane includes CamExpert control buttons. These are:Acquisition control button:Click once to start the frame grabber live grab mode, click again to stop.The Nano-CL is always in free running acquisition mode unless configured touse an external trigger.Single frame grab:Click to acquire one frame from the frame grabber device.Software trigger button:With the I/O control parameters set to Trigger Enabled / Software Triggertype, click to send a single software trigger command.CamExpert display controls:(these do not modify the frame buffer data)Stretch (or shrink) image to fit, set image display to original size, or zoomthe image to any size and ratio. Note that under certain combinations ofimage resolution, acquisition frame rate, and host computer speed, theCamExpert screen display may not update completely due to the host CPUrunning at near 100%. This does not affect the acquisition.Histogram / Profile tool:Select to view a histogram or line/column profile during live acquisition.• Output pane: Displays messages from CamExpert or the GigE Vision driver.• Camera Link Signals: Displays the status of various Camera Link timing signals plus activePoCL connections.CamExpert View Parameters OptionWhile the Board section shows all frame grabber parameters, the Attached Camera sectionshows camera features filtered by a Visibility attribute which defines its requirement or complexity.The states vary from Beginner (features required for basic operation of the device) to Guru(optional features required only for complex operations).CamExpert presents camera features based on their visibility attribute and provides quick Visibilitylevel selection via controls below each Category Parameter list [ << Less More>> ]. The user canalso choose the Visibility level from the View ∙ Parameters Options menu.About the Device User IDThe Nano-CL can be programmed with a user defined name to aid identifying multiple camerasconnected to the network. For instance, on an inspection system with 4 cameras, the first cameramight be labeled “top view”, the second “left view”, the third “right view” and the last one “bottomview”. The factory default user name is the camera serial number for quick initial identification.