62 • Operational Reference Genie Nano-CL Series™Advanced Processing GroupDisplay Name Feature & Values Description VersionDefective Pixel ReplacementModedefectivePixelReplacementMode Sets the mode for the defective pixelreplacement. Ver. 1.00ExpertDFNCOff Off Defective Pixel Replacement is disabled.Active Active Defective Pixel Replacement is enabled.Defective Pixel ReplacementMap Current Active SetdefectivePixelReplacementMapCurrentActiveSetSets the defective pixel replacement set.Ver. 1.00ExpertDFNCFactory Map FactoryMap Sets the factory coefficient table as active.User Map 1 UserMap1 Sets the User Map coefficient table as active.Defective Pixel ReplacementAlgorithmdefectivePixelReplacementAlgorithm Specifies the defective pixel replacementalgorithm. Ver. 1.00ExpertDFNCMethod3: Neighboring Pixel Method3 This algorithm replaces a defective pixel witha neighbor.Noise Reduction Mode noiseReduction Sets the mode for the pixel noise reduction. Ver. 1.00ExpertDFNCOff Off Noise Reduction is disabled.Active Active Noise Reduction is enabled.Defective ColumnReplacement OptiondefectiveColumnReplacementOption When defectivePixelReplacementMode isActive, this feature allows control overdefective column replacement. Ver. 1.00ExpertDFNCDisable Disable Defective Column Replacement is disabled.Allow Allow Defective Column Replacement is allowed.Flat Field Correction GroupDisplay Name Feature & Values Description DeviceVersion& ViewFlat Field CorrectionModeflatfieldCorrectionMode Sets the mode for the Flat Field correction. 1.00BeginnerDFNCOff Off Flat Field Correction is disabled.Active Active Flat Field Correction is enabled.Calibration Calibration When this mode is selected, the camera isconfigured for flat field correction calibration.The device may automatically adjust some of itsfeatures when calibrate mode is enabled. Thefeatures that are automatically adjusted aredevice specific. The device will not restore thesefeatures when the Flat Field Correction Modefeature is changed from Calibrate mode toanother mode.Flat Field CorrectionCurrent Active SetflatfieldCorrectionCurrentActiveSet Specifies the current set of Flat Field coefficientsto use.1.00BeginnerDFNCFactory Flatfield FactoryFlatfield Sets the factory Flat Field coefficient table as thecurrent Flat Field.User Flatfield 1 UserFlatfield1 Sets User Flat Field 1 coefficient table as thecurrent Flat Field.Flat Field CorrectionTypeflatfieldCorrectionType Specifies the Flat Field correction type. 1.00GuruDFNCLine-Based LineBase Flat field correction is based on a single line ofgain and offset coefficients.Flat Field CorrectionAlgorithmflatfieldCorrectionAlgorithm Specifies the Flat Field correction algorithm touse.1.00Guru