119To do… Use the command… RemarksStep 1 Enter system view system-view —Step 2 Enter interface view interface interface-type interface-number —Step 3 Specify an LSAtransmission delay ospf trans-delaysecondsOptionalDefaults to one secondSpecifying SPF calculation intervalThe LSDB changes lead to SPF calculations. When an OSPF network changes frequently, a largeamount of network resources will be occupied, reducing the working efficiency of routers. Adjustthe SPF calculation interval for the network to reduce negative influence.To do… Use the command… RemarksStep 1 Enter systemview system-view —Step 2 Enter OSPF view ospf [ process-id | router-idrouter-id | vpn-instanceinstance-name ] *—Step 3 Specify SPFcalculationintervalsspf-schedule-intervalmaximum-interval [ minimum-interval [ incremental-interval ]]OptionalBy default, the intervalis five seconds.With this task configured, when network changes are not frequent, SPF calculation applies at the minimum-interval. If network changes become frequent, then the SPF calculation interval is incremented byincremental-interval × 2 n-2 (n is the number of calculation times) each time a calculation occurs, up to themaximum-interval.Specifying the LSA minimum repeat arrival intervalAfter receiving the same LSA as the previously received LSA within the LSA minimum repeatarrival interval, an interface discards the LSA.To do… Use the command… RemarksStep 1 Enter system view system-view —