307To do… Use the command… RemarksStep 1 Enter system view system-view ––Step 2 Create a policy or policynode and enter PBRpolicy node viewpolicy-based-route policy-name [ deny | permit ]node node-numberRequiredStep 3 Define an ACL matchcriterion if-match acl acl-number OptionalStep 4 Set next hopsapply ip-address next-hop ip-address1 [ direct ] [track track-entry-number ] [ ip-address2 [ direct ] [ tracktrack-entry-number ] ]OptionalIf you configure two next hopsfor a policy at the same time,only the primary next hop takeseffect. The backup next hoptakes effect only when theprimary next hop is invalid.• You can specify up to two next hops: a primary next hop (ip-adddress1) and a backup next hop (ip-address2) for a policy. When neither next hop takes effect, packets are forwarded according to therouting table.• If an ACL match criterion is defined, packets are matched against the ACL rules, whereas the permit ordeny action of the specified ACL is ignored. If the specified ACL does not exist, no packet is matched.Configuring local policy routingLocal policy routing applies to locally generated packets only. Only one policy can be referencedfor local policy routing.To do… Use the command… RemarksStep 1 Enter system view system-view —Step 2 Configure local policyrouting based on a policyip local policy-based-routepolicy-nameRequiredNot configured bydefaultConfiguring interface policy routingInterface policy routing only applies to packets forwarded through an interface. Only one policycan be referenced by an interface for interface policy routing.To do… Use the command… Remarks