184To do… Use the command… RemarksStep 6 Specify the circuit level isis circuit-level [ level-1 | level-1-2 |level-2 ]OptionalThe default is Level-1-2.Configuring the network type of an interface as P2PInterfaces with different network types operate differently. For example, broadcast interfaces on anetwork must elect the DIS and flood CSNP packets to synchronize the LSDBs, while P2Pinterfaces on a network need not elect the DIS, and have a different LSDP synchronizationmechanism.If there are only two routers on a broadcast network, configure the network type of attachedinterfaces as P2P to avoid DIS election and CSNP flooding, saving network bandwidth andspeeding up network convergence.To do… Use the command… RemarksStep 1 Enter system view system-view ––Step 2 Enter interface view interface interface-type interface-number ––Step 3 Configure the network typefor the interface as P2P isis circuit-type p2pOptionalBy default, thenetwork type of aVLAN interface isbroadcast.You can only perform this configuration for a broadcast network with only two attached routers.Configuring IS-IS routing information controlPrerequisites• Configure network layer addresses for interfaces, and ensure adjacent nodes are reachableto each other at the network layer.• Enable IS-IS.Configuring IS-IS link costThe IS-IS cost of an interface is determined in the following order:1. IS-IS cost specified in interface view.