270To guarantee the connectivity between iBGP peers, you must make them fully meshed. It becomesimpractical when there are large numbers of iBGP peers. Configuring route reflectors orconfederation can solve it. In a large-scale AS, both of them can be used.Configuring BGP communityTo do… Use the command… RemarksStep 1 Enter system view system-view —Step 2 Enter BGP view bgp as-number —Step 3 Advertisethecommunityattribute toa peer orpeer groupAdvertise thecommunity attributeto a peer or peergrouppeer { group-name | ip-address }advertise-community RequiredNot configuredby defaultAdvertise theextended communityattribute to a peer orpeer grouppeer { group-name | ip-address }advertise-ext-communityStep 4 Apply a routing policy to routesadvertised to a peer or peer grouppeer { group-name | ip-address }route-policy route-policy-nameexportRequiredNot configuredby default• When configuring BGP community, configure a routing policy to define the community attribute, andapply the routing policy to route advertisement.• For routing policy configuration, see Routing Policy in the Layer 3 – IP Routing Configuration Guide.Configuring a BGP route reflectorTo do… Use the command… RemarksStep 1 Enter system view system-view —Step 2 Enter BGP view bgp as-number —Step 3 Configure the router asa route reflector andspecify a peer or peergroup as its clientpeer { group-name | ip-address }reflect-clientRequiredNot configured by defaultStep 4 Enable route reflectionbetween clients reflect between-clients OptionalEnabled by default