170Maintenance InstructionsMaintenance PrecautionsPrecautionsQualification Requirements of Maintenance PersonnelInspection on Maintenance Environment• For all the faults requiring welding the refrigeration pipelines or components inside the refrigeration system of R32refrigerant air conditioners, maintenance at the user's site is never allowed.• For the faults requiring radical disassembly and bending operation of the heat exchanger, such as thereplacement of the outdoor unit chassis and integral disassembly of the condenser, inspection and maintenance atthe user's site are never allowed.• For the faults requiring replacement of the compressor or parts & components of refrigeration system,maintenance at the user's site is not allowed.• For other faults not involved in the refrigerant container, internal refrigeration pipelines and refrigeration elements,the maintenance at the user's site is allowed, including the cleaning and dredging of the refrigeration systemrequiring no disassembly of refrigeration elements and no welding.• In case replacement of gas/liquid pipes is required during maintenance, the joint of evaporator gas/liquid pipesof the indoor unit shall be cut off with a cutting knife. Connection is only allowed after re-flaring (the same to theoutdoor unit).1. All the operators or the maintenance personnel involved in refrigerating circuits shall be provided with theeffective certificate issued by an industry-accepted assessment institute, to ensure that they are qualified for safetydisposal of refrigerant as required in the assessment regulations.2. The equipment can only be maintained and repaired as per the method recommended by the manufacturer. Incase the assistance from personnel of other disciplines is required, the assistance shall be supervised bythe personnel with qualification certificate involved in flammable refrigerant.• Before operation, the refrigerant leaked in the room is not allowed.• The area of the room in which maintenance is made shall be in line with this manual.• Continuous ventilation shall be maintained during maintenance.• Qpen fire or high-temperature heat source higher than 548 degree which can easily give birth to open fire is notallowed inside the room within the maintenance area.• During maintenance, the phones and the radioactive electronics of all the operators inside the room must bepowered off.• Qne dry powder or carbon dioxide extinguisher shall be equipped inside the maintenance area, and theextinguisher must be under available state.