2102.2 Dip Switch SettingOutdoor main PCB 0151800364/0151800364A dip switch setting SW5Small service PCB:0151800076A dip switch setting SW1SW7: Except the SW7-2 and SW7-3, all the other dip switch setting is OFFSW7-2 SW7-3 DescriptionON ON Defrosting Temperature:6°COFF OFF Defrosting Temperature:8°C (Default)SW1-1 SW1-2 SW1-3 SW1-4 DescriptionOFF OFF OFF OFF State When Out of FactoryON OFF OFF OFF Compulsory Heating: 50Hz, Outdoor Motor 5-Class, Standard Open Angle 200,The Others are NormalOFF ON OFF OFF Compulsory Cooling: 60Hz, Outdoor Motor 7-Class, Standard Open Angle 200,the Others are NormalOFF OFF ON OFF Rated OperationOFF OFF OFF ON Time Defrost ValidON ON ON ON Detection for Wrong WiringSW5-1 SW5-2 SW5-3 SW5-4 SW5-5 SW5-6 SW5-7 SW5-8 DescriptionOFF OFF --- --- --- --- --- --- Heat Pump (Default)ON OFF --- --- --- --- --- --- Cooling OnlyON ON --- --- --- --- --- --- Heating Only--- --- OFF --- --- --- --- --- Adjust by Machine Types--- --- ON --- --- --- --- --- Max Running Current:15A (Default)--- --- --- OFF OFF OFF --- --- 3U55S2SR2FA--- --- --- OFF OFF ON --- --- 3U70S2SR2FA--- --- --- OFF ON ON --- --- 4U75S2SR2FA--- --- --- ON OFF OFF --- --- 4U85S2SR2FA--- --- --- ON ON OFF --- --- 5U105S2SS2FA--- --- --- --- --- --- OFF --- Temperature Correction Invalid (Default)--- --- --- --- --- --- ON --- Temperature Correction Valid--- --- --- --- --- --- --- OFF Mute Unavailable (Default)--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ON Mute Available