171Maintenance Site RequirementsLeak Detection Methods• The maintenance site shall be provided with favorable ventilation and must be flat. Arrangement of themaintenance site inside the basement is not allowed.• Welding zone and non-welding zone shall be divided at the maintenance site, and shall be clearly marked. Acertain safety distance must be guaranteed between the two zones.• Ventilators shall be installed at the maintenance site, and exhaust fans, fans, ceiling fans, floor fans and dedicatedexhaust duct can be arranged, to meet the requirements of ventilation volume and uniform exhaust, and to avoidaccumulation of refrigerant gas.• Leak detection equipment for flammable refrigerant shall be equipped, with relevant management system beingestablished. Whether the leak detection equipment is under available state shall be confirmed before maintenance.• Sufficient dedicated vacuum pumps of flammable refrigerant and refrigerant charging equipment shall beequipped, with relevant management system for maintenance equipment being established. It shall be guaranteedthat the maintenance equipment can only be used for vacuumizing and charging of one type of flammablerefrigerant, and mixed usage is not allowed.• The master power switch shall be arranged outside the maintenance site, with protective (anti-explosive) devicebeing equipped.• Nitrogen cylinders, acetylene cylinders and oxygen cylinders shall be placed separately. The distance betweenthe gas cylinders above and the working area involved in open fire shall be at least 6m. The anti-backfire valve shallbe installed for the acetylene cylinders. The color of the acetylene cylinders and oxygen cylinders installed shallmeet the international requirements.• The warning sign of " No Fire" , "No Smoking", or"Anti static"shall be arranged inside the maintenance area.• Fire control device suitable for electric appliance such as the dry powder extinguisher or carbon dioxideextinguisher shall be equipped, and shall always be under the available state.• The ventilator and other electrical equipment at the maintenance site shall be relatively fixed, with standardizedpipe routing. Temporary wires and sockets at the maintenance site are not allowed.• The environment in which the refrigerant leakage is checked shall be free from potential ignition source. Leakdetection with halogen probes (or any other detector with open fire) shall be avoided.• For the system containing flammable refrigerant, leak detection may be realized with electronic• leak detection equipment. During leak detection, the environment in which the leak detection equipment iscalibrated shall be free from refrigerant. It shall be guaranteed that the leak detection equipment will not becomepotential ignition source, and is applicable to the refrigerant to be detected. Leak detection equipment shall be setat a percentage of the LFL of the refrigerant and shall be calibrated to the refrigerant employed, and the appropriatepercentage of gas (25 % maximum) is confirmed.• The fluid used for leak detection shall be applicable to most of the refrigerant. The use of chlorine-containingsolvent shall be avoided, to avoid chemical reaction between chlorine and refrigerant and corrosion to copperpipelines.• In case leakage is suspected, the open fire at the site shall be evacuated or be put out.• In case welding is required at the leakage position, all the refrigerants shall be recovered, or be isolated at aposition far from the leak point with a stop valve. Before and during welding, the whole system shall be purifiedwith OFN.