a second hard disk. ATA 66 signal cables are color-coded. The blueconnector attaches to the system board; the black connector attachesto the master device, and the gray middle connector attaches to theslave device.If your computer comes with a CD-ROM drive, it will have an ATA66 signal cable. However, if you installing a hard disk drive, youmust change the switch setting on the CD-ROM drive to secondaryand change the connector used for the CD-ROM drive to the graymiddle connector.2. If you are installing a slimline CD-ROM drive in the small formfactor desktop model, the IDE cable requires a special connector toattach to the slimline CD-ROM drive. This connector can beattached only to an optional slimline CD-ROM drive.– The narrower signal cable has two connectors for attaching the diskettedrive to the diskette-drive connector on the system board.Note: To locate connectors on the system board, see “Identifying parts on thesystem board” on page 48.The following are some important points to remember when connecting powerand signal cables to internal drives:v The drives that are preinstalled in your computer come with power andsignal cables attached. If you replace any drives, it is important to rememberwhich cable is attached to which drive.v When you install a drive, ensure that the drive connector at the end of thesignal cable is always connected to a drive; also, ensure that the driveconnector at the other end is connected to the system board. This reduceselectronic noise from the computer.v If two IDE devices are used on a single cable, one must be designated as theprimary or master device and the other as the secondary or subordinatedevice; otherwise, some of the IDE devices might not be recognized by thesystem. The primary or secondary designation is determined by switch orjumper settings on each IDE device.v If two IDE devices are on a single cable, and only one is a hard disk drive,the hard disk drive must be set as the master device.v If you have only one IDE device on a cable, it must be set as master.For help in selecting drives, cables, and other options for your computer, seepage 44.Chapter 5. Installing options 61