Symptoms ActionA CD does not work. v Verify that the disk is inserted correctly, with itslabel up.v Make sure that the disk you are using is clean. Toremove dust or fingerprints, wipe the CD with aclean, soft cloth from the center to the outside.Wiping the CD in a circular direction might causeloss of data.v Verify that the disk you are using is good and notscratched or damaged. Try inserting another diskthat you know is good. If you cannot read from aknown-good disk, you might have a problem withyour drive. Check that the power-supply cable andsignal cable are securely connected to the drive (see“Removing the cover” on page 45 for cover removalinstructions).v Use the Configuration/Setup Utility program toverify that the drive is enabled (see “Chapter 4.Using the Configuration/Setup Utility program” onpage 29).If these actions do not correct the problem, run thediagnostic programs (see “IBM Enhanced Diagnosticsprogram” on page 92). If you need technical assistance,see “Chapter 7. Getting help, service, and information”on page 99.Chapter 6. Troubleshooting 83