Monitor problems ActionWavy, unreadable, rolling,distorted, or jittery screenimages.If the monitor self-tests show that the monitor is workingproperly, verify that:1. The location of the monitor is appropriate. Magneticfields around other devices, such as transformers,appliances, fluorescent lights, and other monitorsmight be causing the problem. To determine if thelocation is causing the problem:a. Turn off the monitor. (Moving a color monitorwhile it is turned on might cause screendiscoloration.)b. Adjust the placement of the monitor and otherdevices so that they are at least 305 mm (12 in.)apart. Also, when relocating the monitor, be sure itis at least 75 mm (3 in.) from the diskette drives toprevent diskette drive read/write errors.c. Turn on the monitor.2. An IBM monitor signal cable is properly connected tothe monitor and computer, and that the cable isinstalled securely. Non-IBM monitor signal cablesmight cause unpredictable problems.3. You are not trying to run your monitor at a higherrefresh rate than the monitor supports. See thedocumentation supplied with your monitor forsupported refresh rates.Note: An enhanced monitor signal cable with additionalshielding might be available for your monitor. See yourIBM reseller or marketing representative for information.If you cannot correct the problem, have the computerserviced.Screen flickers. Set the monitor for the highest, noninterlaced refresh ratesupported by your monitor and the video controller inyour computer.Attention: Using a resolution or refresh rate that is notsupported by your monitor might damage it.You can reset the refresh rate through your operatingsystem, using the instructions provided in the READMEfiles. See your operating system documentation forfurther information on monitor settings.If this does not correct the problem, have the monitorand computer serviced.Chapter 6. Troubleshooting 85