Step 14(from step 13)Does any disk drive module have its Check light on or flashing?NO Go to “MAP 2021: 7133 – Redundant Power” on page 2-2021-1.YES If the Check light is permanently on, check whether the disk drive is inService Mode. (Service Mode might have been set from another usingsystem.)If the disk drive module is in Service Mode, reset it when possible.If the disk drive module is not in Service Mode:1. Exchange the disk drive module for a new one (see “Disk DriveModules” on page 3-17).2. Go to “MAP 2410: 7133 – Repair Verification” on page 2-2410-1 toverify the repair. If the Check light is flashing, it has been set by a service aid. Check theother using systems to find out which service aid is being used.Step 15(from step 13)Do all the fan-and-power-supply assemblies have their Fan-and-Power Check lightson?NO Go to step 17 on page 2-2010-7.YES Go to step 16.Step 16(from step 15)Does the 7133 have a Remote Power On Control feature?NO Go to step 17 on page 2-2010-7.YES Go to “MAP 2030: 7133 – Remote Power On Control Feature” onpage 2-2030-1.2-2010-6 7133 Service Guide