| Microcode Maintenance| For some problems, the service request number (SRN) might ask you to check the| microcode package ID before you exchange any field-replaceable units (FRUs). You can| determine the adapter microcode package ID in two ways:| On the command line, give the following command:| lsattr -E -l adapter -a ucode| where adapter is the ID of the adapter that you want to check; for example, ssa.| An example of a response to this command is:| ucode 8F97..nn Name of adapter code download False| where nn is the adapter code package ID.| Use the Display or Change Configuration or Vital Product Data (VPD) service aid (see| the Diagnostic Information for Micro Channel Bus Systems manual) to display the VPD| for the adapter. The first two characters of the ROS Level field contain the adapter| code package ID.| You can determine the disk drive microcode level by using the Display/Download Disk| Drive Microcode SSA service aid (see the chapter on SSA Service Aids in the SSA| Adapters: User’s Guide and Maintenance Information manual).| Note: During the configuration of the complete system, all the VPD files in the system| are updated before any microcode is downloaded from the using system to the SSA| subsystem. If the using system later downloads a new level of microcode to the| subsystem, the VPD files in the system for the adapter do not show the ID of the new| microcode package until the next time the configuration manager (cfgmgr) is run.| Adapter Microcode Maintenance| Updates to microcode are loaded into the using system from diskettes. To load the| microcode:| 1. Log on as root.| 2. Insert the SSA Adapter Microcode diskette into the drive rfd0.| 3. Type the command: installp -ac all| 4. Remove the SSA Adapter Microcode diskette.| 5. Run the cfgmgr command.| 6. If the subsystem has loops that contain two or more SSA adapters, and those| adapters are installed in two or more using systems, load the adapter microcode, and| run the cfgmgr command on each using system.| If the level of the microcode that is stored in the using system is higher than the level of| the microcode that is installed on the SSA adapter, or on the disk drives that are attached| to it, the higher-level microcode is automatically downloaded to the adapter when the| using system runs its configuration method.Chapter 1. Reference Information 1-59