Step 1(from steps 14 and 20 in “MAP 2010: 7133 – START”)Use the Link Verification service aid to identify the disk drive modules that are detecting a| loss of redundant power or cooling (see the chapter about SSA service aids in the SSA| Adapters: User’s Guide and Maintenance Information manual). Use the Identify function ifnecessary. In the example screen shown here, the + sign shows that the Identify functionhas been used for pdisk6, and the Status column shows that the pdisk has detected a lossof redundant power or cooling.Note: When a ‘Reserved’ status is displayed for a particular device, that device couldalso have a ‘Power’ status. This ‘Power’ status is visible only at the using system that setthe ‘Reserved’ status. Use the Link Verification service aid on the other using system to| check the status of the device (see the chapter about SSA service aids in the SSA| Adapters: User’s Guide and Maintenance Information manual).6 7LINK VERIFICATION 82386SSA Link Verification for:ssa1 -5 SSA AdapterTo set or reset Identify, move cursor onto selection, then press Enter.Physical Serial# Adapter PortA1 A2 B1 B2 Status[TOP]pdisk nnnnnnnn 7 Goodpdisk1 nnnnnnnn 1 6 Goodpdisk2 nnnnnnnn 2 5 Goodpdisk3 nnnnnnnn 3 4 Goodpdisk4 nnnnnnnn 4 3 Goodpdisk5 nnnnnnnn 5 2 Good+ pdisk6 nnnnnnnn 6 1 Powerpdisk7 nnnnnnnn 7 Goodpdisk8 nnnnnnnn 1 Goodpdisk9 nnnnnnnn 1 9 Good[MORE]F3=Cancel F1=ExitH IIs any disk drive module in the 7133 detecting a loss of redundant power orcooling?NO In the sequence shown, exchange the following FRUs for new FRUs. Ensurethat for each FRU exchange, you go to “MAP 2410: 7133 – RepairVerification” on page 2-2410-1 to verify the repair.1. Control panel assembly (see “Control Panel Assembly” on page 3-36)| 2. Left-hand (Models 010 and 020) or upper (Models 500 and 600)power-distribution tray assembly (see “Power-Distribution Tray Assemblies”on page 3-38).YES Go to step 2 on page 2-2021-3.2-2021-2 7133 Service Guide