Chapter 3. Monitoring assets 211Example 3-50 Displaying only the status of RMC daemonl# lssrc -s ctrmcSubsystem Group PID Statusctrmc rsct 12648636 activeExample 3-51 Displaying detailed information about the RMC subsystem# lssrc -l -s ctrmcSubsystem Group PID Statusctrmc rsct 12648636 activeTrace flags set:_SEMErrors = 0 Info = 0 API = 0 Perf = 0Cipher = 0_SECErrors = 0 API = 0 Info = 0 Perf = 0_SEHErrors = 0 Info = 0 API = 0 SvcTkn = 0CtxTkn = 0 IDM = 0 ACL = 0 Cred = 0Auth = 0_SEUErrors = 0 Info = 0 API = 0 Buffer = 0SvcTkn = 0 CtxTkn = 0_SELErrors = 0 Info = 0 API = 0 Buffer = 0Perf = 0_SEIError = 0 API = 0 Mapping = 0 Milestone = 0Diag = 0_SRAAPI = 0 Errors = 0 Wherever = 0_SKDErrors = 0 Info = 0 Debug = 0_SEAErrors = 0 Info = 0 API = 0 Buffer = 0SVCTKN = 0 CTXTKN = 0_PRMInfo = 0_MCDinit = 1 config = 1 insts = 0 rmctrl = 1cci = 1 mcp = 1 obsv = 0 evgn = 1reg = 1 pci = 1 msgs = 0 query = 0gsi = 1 eval = 0 rdi = 0 sched = 0shm = 0 sec = 1 routg = 1 cmdproc = 0sami = 0 rstree = 0 rcv = 0 sri = 0dcfg = 1 iolists = 0 nodestat = 1 ipstat = 1cmdflow = 1Configuration Data Base version from local copy of CDB:Daemon started on Tuesday 10/04/11 at 12:21:10Daemon has been running 17 days, 0 hours, 35 minutes and 56 secondsClient message policy is EnabledClient message timeout: 10Client start session timeout: 300