Chapter 5. Maintenance and serviceability 301The following tasks must be performed to recover from a problem: Determine the resource that failed. Determine whether the resource failed before. Determine the effect of the failure on which type of node (if any). Perform the appropriate recovery action according to the findings and the spare policy. Report the problem to IBM (serviceable events from the HMC must report automaticallyvia the electronic Service Agent). Gather data.On the EMS Server, it is necessary to gather some data to check or analyze possible FIPevents. The xCAT script that is called gatherfip is in /opt/xcat/sbin that collectsinformation about ISNM, SFP, and deconfigured resources. The generated .gz file is sentto the IBM service team.The console output is shown in Example 5-51.Example 5-51 gatherfip command# /opt/xcat/sbin/gatherfip-----------------------------------------------------------------------------10/07/2011 10:39 - Start gatherfip10/07/2011 10:39 - gatherfip Version 1.010/07/2011 10:39 - xCAT Executive Management Server hostname is c250mgrs40-itso10/07/2011 10:39 - Writing hardware service alerts in TEAL togatherfip.hardware.service.events10/07/2011 10:39 - Writing ISNM Alerts in TEAL to gatherfip.ISNM.events10/07/2011 10:39 - Writing deconfigred resource information togatherfip.guarded.resources10/07/2011 10:39 - Writing ISNM Link Down information togatherfip.ISNM.links.down10/07/2011 10:39 - Created tar file containing these /var/log files:gatherfip.log gatherfip.ISNM.eventsgatherfip.guarded.resources gatherfip.ISNM.links.down10/07/2011 10:39 - Created compressed tar file/var/log/c250mgrs40-itso.gatherfip.20111007_1039.tar.gz10/07/2011 10:39 - End gatherfip## (10:39:24) c250mgrs40-itso [AIX powerpc] /opt/teal/binThis data is used by IBM support to determine whether a hardware repair is necessary.More data is gathered by the xCAT Administrator includes the output of the commands, asshown in Table 5-2 on page 302.