76 IBM Power Systems 775 for AIX and Linux HPC Solution1.9.5 Reliable Scalable Cluster TechnologyReliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) is a set of software components that provide acomprehensive clustering environment for AIX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows. RSCT is theinfrastructure that is used by various of IBM products to provide clusters with improvedsystem availability, scalability, and ease of use.RSCT includes the following components: Resource monitoring and control (RMC) subsystemThis subsystem is the scalable, reliable backbone of RSCT. RMC runs on a singlemachine or on each node (operating system image) of a cluster and provides a commonabstraction for the resources of the individual system or the cluster of nodes. You useRMC for single system monitoring or for monitoring nodes in a cluster. However, in acluster, RMC provides global access to subsystems and resources throughout the cluster,thus providing a single monitoring and management infrastructure for clusters. RSCT core resource managersA resource manager is a software layer between a resource (a hardware or software entitythat provides services to some other component) and RMC. A resource manager mapsprogrammatic abstractions in RMC into the actual calls and commands of a resource. RSCT cluster security servicesThis RSCT component provides the security infrastructure that enables RSCTcomponents to authenticate the identity of other parties. Topology services subsystemThis RSCT component provides node and network failure detection on some clusterconfigurations. Group services subsystemThis RSCT component provides cross-node/process coordination on some clusterconfigurations.For more information, see this website:http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/clresctr/vxrx/topic/com.ibm.cluster.related_libraries.doc/related.htm?path=3_6#rsct_link1.9.6 GPFSThe IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) is distributed, high-performance, massivelyscalable enterprise file system solution that addresses the most challenging demands inhigh-performance computing.GPFS provides online storage management, scalable access, and integrated informationlifecycle management tools capable of managing petabytes of data and billions of files.Virtualizing your file storage space and allowing multiple systems and applications to sharecommon pools of storage provides you the flexibility to transparently administer theinfrastructure without disrupting applications. This configuration improves cost and energyefficiency and reduces management overhead.Massive namespace support, seamless capacity and performance scaling, and provenreliability features and flexible architecture of GPFS helps your company foster innovation bysimplifying your environment and streamlining data work flows for increased efficiency.