Chapter 1. Introduction 3Notices used in this bookThe caution and danger notices also appear in the multilingual Safety Information bookprovided on the IBM xSeries Documentation CD that comes with your xSeries product.Each notice is numbered for easy reference to the corresponding notices in the safetybook.The following types of notices are used in this book:• Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.• Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help youavoid inconvenient or problem situations.• Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or data.An attention notice is placed just before the instruction or situation in whichdamage could occur.• Caution: These notices indicate situations that can be potentially hazardous toyou. A caution notice is placed just before the description of a potentiallyhazardous procedure step or situation.• Danger: These notices indicate situations that can be potentially lethal orextremely hazardous to you. A danger notice is placed just before thedescription of a potentially lethal or extremely hazardous procedure step orsituation.Major components of the xSeries 220 serverThe orange color on components and labels in your server identifies hot-swapcomponents. This means that you can install or remove the component while thesystem is running, provided that your system is configured to support this function.For information about installing or removing a hot-swap component, see “Chapter 2.Installing options,” on page 9.The blue color on components and labels indicates touch points where a componentcan be gripped, a latch moved, and so on.Notes:1. You must turn off the server before touching these touch points.2. The illustrations in this document might differ slightly from your hardware.The following illustration shows the locations of major components in your server.