5486Towr.fm Draft Document for Review October 18, 2004296 IBM Eserver i5 and iSeries System HandbookSee “Summary of the iSeries expansion units and towers” on page 105 for themaximum number of features supported in each iSeries expansion tower.The #5094, #5294, #0595 and #5095 towers can be converted to HSL-2 RIO-G.The #5088/#0588 have HSL-2 interface, but cannot be upgraded to the newHSL-2/RIO-G interface. The #5075 and#0578/#5078 have an HSL adapter. Theyare not supported on Eserver i5 models.For new #5094, #5294, #5095 and #0595 towers that attach to the Eserver i5models, new #5094, #5294, #5095 and #0595 towers ship with a #9517 2 GBpsHSL-2/RIO-G adapter.Existing #5094, #0595, #5095 and #5294 towers that attach to an Eserver i5model using copper HSL cabling must have the HSL-2 adapters exchanged for a#6417 2 GBps HSL-2/RIO-G adapter.Connecting supported HSL, HSL-2 and HSL-2/RIO-G is possible with the correctcombination of cables. However, one adapter or cable in the loop can slow downthe complete loop. If this is necessary, we recommend that you keep these itemson one loop so that you do not slow down the HSL-2/RIO-G loop if applicable.TThe following table identifies the HSL cables, which can be attached directly toeach iSeries server. See “Table 1: Summary of the iSeries Model 520” onpage 83 for the maximum number of HSL features supported by each iSeriesserver.Note: HSL-2 also supports HSL towers (such as #5074 or #5079) in the loop.However, mixing these towers with HSL-2 in the same loop slows down fasterdevices.Cable feature 270 520 550 570 595 800810820 825 830840870890Copper#1307 -1.75m Copper HSL-2 Cable X 5 X X X X X#1308 -2.5m Copper HSL-2 Cable X X X X X X#1460 - 3m Copper HSL Cable X X X X#1461 - 6m Copper HSL Cable X X X X#1462 - 15m Copper HSL Cable Note 2Note 2X#1474 - 6m HSL to HSL-2 Cable X X X X X X X X X X