Internal disk, tape, CD-ROM, DVD-RAM, DVD-ROM storage 393Draft Document for Review October 18, 2004 5486IntStor.fmHowever, the tape compression used by the #6381/#6481 2.5 GB and #4482,#4582, #6382, and #6482 4 GB tape devices is not compatible with thecompaction on the #4486, #4586, #6386, and #6486 25 GB tape devices.Uncompacted or uncompressed tapes are compatible within each device’sformat limitations.This tape is not compatible with System/36 tape devices. For read and writecompatibility, refer to the internal tape read/write compatibilities table 391.30 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device TechnologyThe 30 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device technology may be used forsave/restore, alternate IPL, program distribution, migration, and ¼-inch cartridgetape exchange. The 30 GB tape technology provides 30 GB of storage capacity.With data compression, up to 60 GB can be stored per cartridge, providingunattended backup capability for a broad range of medium sized iSeries servers.The unit can store data at a rate of 4 MB per second (8 Mb per second with twoto one (2:1) compression). It writes 30 GB with IBM SLR60-30GB Data Cartridge(up to 60 GB with compression in SLR60 format), 25 GB with IBM MLR3-25GBData Cartridge (up to 50 GB with compression in MLR3 format), 16 GB with IBMMLR1-16GB Data Cartridge (up to 32 GB with compression in QIC5010 format),and 2 GB with IBM MLR1-2GB Data Cartridge (up to 4 GB with compression inQIC5010 format). The unit reads 4 GB with SLR5-4GB Data Cartridge (QIC4GBformat) and 2.5 GB with IBM DC9250 Data Cartridge (QIC2GB format).This tape is not compatible with System/36 tape devices. For read and writecompatibility, refer to the internal tape read/write compatibilities table 390.50 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device TechnologyThe 50 GB ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Device technology may be used forsave/restore, alternate IPL, program distribution, migration, and ¼-inch cartridgetape exchange. The 50 GB tape technology provides 50 GB of storage capacity.With data compression, up to 100 GB can be stored per cartridge, providingunattended backup capability for a broad range of medium sized iSeries servers.These tape features are an iSeries specific implementation of Scalable LinearRecording (SLR) technology, identified as SLR100. The unit can store data at arate of 5 MB per second (10 MB per second with a 2:1 compression). This datarate is twice the rate of previous ¼-inch tape backup used on the iSeries. Inaddition to reading and writing on new SLR100 50 GB or 5 GB data cartridges,there is backward write and read compatibility with MLR3 (SLR50) and backwardread compatibility with MLR1 (DC 5010) tape formats.This tape is not compatible with System/36 tape devices. For read and writecompatibility, refer to the internal tape read/write compatibilities table 391.