5486Ops_Terms.fm Draft Document for Review October 18, 2004606 IBM Eserver i5 and iSeries System HandbookCustomers who perform both a software group upgrade and a release upgrade atthe same time must also perform the software group upgrade for the currentproduct version and release, and then upgrade the release to the desired level.The necessary keys are sent automatically with this method.Customers who perform a software group upgrade following a software releaseupgrade must contact the software key center to request necessary back levelkeys at the higher software group level. Ensure that the software key center isinformed that it is an LPAR system. Customers with an LPAR system are entitledto keys for the latest version and release they own and for any earlier version andrelease.When calling the software key center, the customer should have their: IBM customer number Specific product and feature information for requested software keys If available, incomplete Software Key Sheet shipped with their software order The POE document (or IBM invoice for the software product) Hardware serial number for the system about which they are callingTemporary software keys (40-day usage) are provided if a permanent softwarekey cannot be provided due to entitlement or other problems requiring an IBMBusiness Partner or IBM Representative support to correct.French 8028 8128German 8029 8129Spanish 8031 8131Italian 8032 8132Swedish 8037 8137English U/C DBCS 8038 8138German 8039 8139Japanese 8062 8162English U/L DBCS 8084 8184Korean 8086 8186Traditional Chinese 8087 8187Language V5R2 V5R3