5410SET MODEDD Duplex directionSets the duplex direction. The transmit fre-quency is shifted from the receive frequency bythe offset frequency when transmitting or whenthe monitor function is in use.• OFF : Simplex operation. (default)• –DUP : The transmit frequency shifts down while trans-mitting.• +DUP : The transmit frequency shifts up while transmit-ting.DD Priority watchTurn the priority watch or priority beep (prior-ity watch with beep capability) ON. (default: OFF)• ON : Start priority watch after exiting set mode.• BELL : Emits beeps and blinking “S” indicator when asignal is received on the priority frequency.DD Key-touch beepThe key-touch beep can be turned OFF forsilent operation.(default: ON)DD Beep output levelAdjust the key-touch beep tone level to thedesired level within 8 levels.Beep tone sounds while setting. The tone sound let you knowthe approximate sound level.(default: 2)The key-touch beep (previous item) must be set to ON tohave a beep tone.ATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519Default level Maximum levelATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519Key-touch beep ON Key-touch beep OFFATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519Priority watch OFF Priority beep ONATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519Simplex operation Positive duplex operation 10