10C ONVECTIONC OOKING ONMULTIPLE RACKSThe convection bake method is suggestedfor most multiple rack cooking, especiallythree rack cooking, because the circulatingheated air results in more even browning.To obtain the best results in multiple rackconvection cooking, follow these sugges-tions:• Use temperature and times in this manualas a guide for best results.• For two rack baking, rack position #2and #4 or #1 and #3 are best for mostbaked products.• For three rack baking use positions #1,#2 and #3 or #2, #3 and #4.• Stagger small pans, such as layer cakepans, in the oven.• Oven meals are recommended for en-ergy conservation. Use rack positions#1 and 3 or #1 and 4. (See above).• Cookie sheets should be placed length-wise, side to side, in front of the fan formore even browning. (See above left).• Three rack baking may be used whenbaking cookies, rolls, frozen conveniencefoods, appetizers and snack foods.Three Rack Baking Oven Meals4 ––––3 ––––2 ––––1 –––––––– 4–––– 3–––– 2–––– 1ROASTINGRECOMMENDATIONS• Preheating is not necessary.• Place tender cuts of meat or poultry onthe slotted portion of the two-piece panincluded with the oven. Do not addwater to the pan. Select convection orconventional roasting. (Less tender cutsof meat need to be cooked by moist heatin a covered pan using conventional roast-ing.)• Meats cooked in oven cooking bags,dutch ovens, or covered roasting pansare best cooked in the conventional bakeoven.• Do not use a roasting pan with high sideswhen convection roasting.• Place roast fat side up to allow selfbasting of meat during roasting.• Use a meat thermometer. The tip ofthe thermometer should be located inthe thickest part of a roast, not touchingfat, bone, or gristle. For turkey, insertthe tip of the thermometer into thethickest part of the inner thigh.• Allow about 15 minutes “standing time”before carving to prevent loss of juices.• Breast meat on a large turkey cooksmore quickly than the thigh area. Place a“foil cap” over the breast area afterdesired brownness is reached to preventover browning. (See illustration, right.)• A stuffed turkey will require an extra 30to 60 minutes depending on size. Stuff-ing should reach an internal temperatureof 165°F.• See Roasting Chart, page 11.C ONVECTIONROASTING: F ROZENTO FINISHMeats (except poultry) may be roastedfrozen to finish. Follow these guidelines forthe most satisfactory results.• Recommended roasting temperature is325° F. For best results do not usetemperatures below 300° F.• Use times for roasting fresh meats asapproximate guides for convection roast-ing frozen meats. In general, roastingtimes for frozen to finish in the convec-tion oven will be approximately the same,or a few minutes more per pound, asfresh to finish in a conventional bakeoven.• Insert meat thermometer midway dur-ing the cooking process.