Makita controlD Perform selection in the "Home Automation" menu.IR _1 [11] I I [:][f _Jrrt (11111 _; | | ][|] i |(x-lo)[Lutron)( MakltaVR 209OiVR.2QSO/KRF V888 _ D/KRF-V77710 IEr,!K)O Select the "Makita" icon,B Perform selection in the "Makita (1)" menu.i_5_'l,'It t;lll I ]Cu .in ! Ir-eTq opo:openCIs : CloseSel : Selecti OPn StoP)I, CIs St?_'.! .............O The f•llowing icons can be selected.Open/close of "Curtain 1"Open stopClose stop• The "Sel" icon allows you to switch between "Makita (1)","Makita (2)'r "Makita {3A)" and "Makita (3B)"_ Perform selection in the "Makita (2)" menu._f curta n2 i[:"C"s |ooostop jl CIs Stop) _I_l Perform selection in the "Makita (3A) menu,fl{3-Motor A control)O The following icons can be selected,Open/clos• of "Curtain 1"Open/close of "Curtain 2"Open stop, CIos• stopO The following icons can be selected,Open/close of "Curtain 1"Open/close of "Curtain 2"Open/close of "Curtain 3"Open stop, Close stopD Perform selection in the "Makita (3B)" menu.(3-Motor B control)r"Curtain4 !{CIsI_ i{0-_1 Curtain 5 I[Cls_! Curtain 6 I(_-) 1[Opn StOP|['_'_ (_lO The following icons cart be selected,Openlclose of "Curtain 4"Open/close of "Curtain 5"Open/close of "Curtain 6"Open stop, Close stop