(No.RA018)1-5518.BatteryWarningLevelwriting1) Adj item:[BATT]Adjust:[***]PTT: ON1) Adj item:[Battery WarningLevel]Press [Transmit]button.PowermeterDVMPanel ANTBATTtermi-nalPress the PTT switch or[Transmit] button on thePC window. Apply 6.20Vto battery terminal. Con-firm that one pre-deter-mined numeric in therange 1 to 256 appears.[Panel tuning mode]Press [ ] key to storethe adjustment value.[PC test mode]Press [Apply] button tostore the adjustment val-ue.19.BatteryWarningLevelcheck[Panel test mode]1) CH-Sig: 1-1BATT terminalvoltage: 6.0Vwhile transmitting1)Test ChannelChannel: 1Test SignalingMode: AnalogSignaling: 1BATT terminal volt-age: 6.0V whiletransmittingCheck The transceiv-er can transmitwith causingthe LED toblink.Item Condition Measurement Adjustment Specifica-tions/RemarksPanel tuningmodePC test mode Test-equip-mentUnit Ter-minalUnit Parts Method