TK-5210 (G)6REALIGNMENTNote:• This mode cannot be entered if the Firmware Program-ming mode is set to Disable in the Programming soft-ware.• The text message are displayed for K2, K3 and K7 mod-els only.• These transceivers use fi rmware versions G5.10 or later.When using firmware versions earlier than version G5.10a “Check connection” error message will appear on theLCD. Firmware versions earlier than version G5.10 willnot write to the transceiver.6-4. Checksum display1. If you press the [Side1] switch (top of left side) while“PROGRAM FIRMWARE” is displayed, the checksumis calculated, and a result is displayed. If you press the[Side1] switch again while the checksum is displayed,“PROGRAM FIRMWARE” is redisplayed.Note:• Normally, write in the high-speed mode.• The text message are displayed for K2, K3 and K7 mod-els only.7. Clone Mode (K2, K3 and K7 models only)Programming data can be transferred from one trans-ceiver to another by connecting them via their external uni-versal connectors. The operation is as follows (the transmittransceiver is the source and the receive transceiver is atarget).The following data cannot be cloned.• Tuning data• Embedded message with password• Model name data• ESN (Electronic Serial Number) data• Network file data (P25)Key guide on the “INPUT PASSWORD” display.• CNF ([A] key): The password confirmation• DEL ([B] key): Delete the least digit from the currentpassword number (Press and hold to delete all passwordnumbers)• SET ([D] key): Determine the least digit of the passwordnumber1. Press and hold the [Side2] and [PTT] keys while turningthe transceiver power ON and then release the [Side2]key first. If the Read authorization password is set to thetransceiver, the transceiver displays “CLONE LOCK”. Ifthe password is not set, the transceiver displays “CLONEMODE”.2. When you enter the correct password, and “CLONEMODE” is displayed, the transceiver can be used as thecloning source. The following describes how to enter thepassword.3.• How to enter the password using the keypad (K3model only);If the [D] key is pressed while “CLONE LOCK” is dis-played, the Read authorization password input screen(INPUT PASSWORD) is displayed.If one of keys 0 to 9is pressed while “INPUT PASSWORD” is displayed, thepressed number is displayed on the LCD. Each press ofthe key shifts the display in order to the left. When youenter the password and press the [A] or [*] key, “CLONEMODE” is displayed if the entered password is correct.If the password is incorrect, “CLONE LOCK” is redis-played.• How to enter the password using the [Side2] and[Side3] keys (K2, K3 and K7 models);If the [D] key is pressed while “CLONE LOCK” is dis-played, the Read authorization password input screen(INPUT PASSWORD) is displayed. If the [Side2] key or[Side3] key is pressed while “INPUT PASSWORD” isdisplayed, the number (0 to 9) flashes on the LCD. Whenyou press the [D] key, the currently selected numberis determined. If you press the [A] key after enteringthe password in this procedure, “CLONE MODE” isdisplayed if the entered password is correct. If the pass-word is incorrect, “CLONE LOCK” is redisplayed.4. Power ON the target transceiver.5. Connect the cloning cable (part No. E30-3325-05) to theuniversal connectors on the source and target.6. Press the [Side1] or [A] key on the source while thesource displays “CLONE MODE”. The data of the sourceis sent to the target. While the target is receiving thedata, “PROGRAM” is displayed. When cloning of datais completed, the source displays “END”, and the targetautomatically operates in the User mode. The target canthen be operated by the same program as the source.7. The other target can be continuously cloned. When the[Side1] or [A] key on the source is pressed while thesource displays “END”, the source displays “CLONEMODE”. Carry out the operation in step 4 to 6.8. To return to “User mode” on the source transceiver, youmust first turn the transceiver power off and then onagain.Cloning cable(E30-3325-05)Fig. 2Note:• You can not clone transceivers using hardware version 1.0or 2.0.