4-2-6. Band Selection 4-2-7. Attenuator ON/OFF1. Press the F key for longer than 1 second. The F (Requires optional BAND UNIT UT-28S or UT-50S )indicator will begin to flash. , When the incoming signal is very strong, the signalPress the BAND SEL key for the bands you wish to should be attenuated to prevent distortion of the signal,turn on/off. A Calender will be displayed. thereby stabilizing the receiver performance.+ 1. Press the CONT SEL key or the BAND SEL key formorethan1second104s“yoga329|the28/50MHzband.ie2.PressingtheFkeymomentarilythenpressingtheDTSSkeywilltoggletheATTENUATORfunctionon2.PresstheBANDSELkeyagain.oroff.Theattenuatorindicatorwillturn onwhentheWhenturningoffabandan“off* willbedisplayedinfunctionisactive.the display for approximately 10 seconds then the Attenuator indicatorappropriate band display will come back.4© [vs s000 ore ce=" 99588gy c e| ws yong cemexaunnunsunendtllS&AF—1—s5—s3s—Se3. To retern to the previous display press the F key forlonger than 1 second then press the BAND SEL key.It is possible to turn off all three bands. In this case nofrequencies will be displayed.