3. To activate the optional band unit, reset the memory —for the band. ;1.Turn the POWER switch OFF.2. Press and hold the F key and the BAND SELkey for the band, then turn ON the POWERswitch. After 1 second all the indicators for theband will light.KENWOODofaiedbae: 4008 Wa00g |Hig’ OFThen turn ONress and Hold:w . Confirm the indicators, then release the F keyand the BAND SEL key.The initial settings will be displayed, the PTT| indicator will flash three times, and a beep willsound , then the memory reset will be finished.@ KENWOOD Po8 ov0000 myO000 Tata00 |On O- ©iq © ae5 eon a a falRelease||||The clock can be displayed in a frequency position ( Seepage 58 ).7-6-4. Additional Band Unit FunctionsInstructions for the Tri-bander are the same as theInstructions for Dual bander.Optional band unit will add the following functions tothe transceiver.4-2-3.Use conventional labeling in charts, 0= YES, x =NO.Frequency step selectionStep Size [kHz]) 5@ | 102 | 152 | 202 |12.52 | 25228MHz band @ O O (s x ©50MHz band Ome wRewks x O220MHz band Co ReZ eRe Re es1200MHz band x (Oo) *« LO fo To4-2-3. Frequency Step SelectionIn the 283MHz band and the 50MHz band, the frequencystep size will not adjust to it’s original step size.4-2-4. Programmable VFO Tuning LimitsIn 28MHz band, the Programmable VFO Tuning limit is100kHz.75