NOTES1. If a key other than the DTSS key is pressed2. If no action is taken for longer than 10 seconds,code selection mode is automatically canceled.during operation, code selection mode is canceled.4-7-3. Using the DTSS function1. Adjust the SQL control to the threshold point.2. Press the DTSS key 1 or 2 times until the DTSSindicator appears in the display.3. The squelch will now remain closed until the correctcode group is received.4. When the PTT switch is pressed on the microphonethe selected code group will be transmitted. It willtake about 1/2 second to transmit the 3 tones. Themicrophone will be muted while the tones are beingtransmitted.5. To cancel DTSS operation press the DTSS key untilthe DTSS indicator turns off.4-7-4. Using DTSS with a RepeaterThe DTSS signal is not transmitted immediately afteryou press the PTT switch. A programmable delay timehas been incorporated to allow the DTSS signal to bepassed by repeaters with slow response times. You canselect a delay time of 250 mS, 450 mS, 750 mS, 850 mS,or 1 second.When operating simplex mode the 250mS willautomatically be selected for you. No other choice isavailable in this mode, even though you may haveselected a different delay.In modes other than simplex you may select between theremaining delay periods (450 mS, 750 mS, 850 mS, or 1second).NOTE250mS cannot be selected for offset modes.To select desired delay time :1. Press and hold the F key, then press the DTSS key.The display will indicate the current delay ( 250mS isnot displayed).Press and hold 42. Rotate the tuning control or press the microphoneUP/DWN switches to select the desired delay time.3. To return to the normal frequency display wait 10seconds for automatic return, or press any key.PTT ON PTT OFFvy v#1|codeDelay time (450mS, 750mS, 850mS, 1000mS) 45