@Memory ConsolidationIt is possible to rearrange the memory channels on thetransceiver to optimize memory scan operations. This isan advantage especially if there are a large number ofopen channels separating those channels that actuallycontain data. Memory Consolidation causes the activememory channels to be rewritten sequencially from thelowest channel without any blank channels in between.The accompanying diagram illustrates this function.For ExampleData is currently stored in memory channels 1, 5, 8,12, 15, 19, and 20.BEFORE CONSOLIDATIONBANK 1Loree e5 eee 8 cece] 2 cee]5 eeeee]9 20)AFTER CONSOLIDATIONBANK 1ToD. BL We Be Ga Tiewesisessiseatteseesa.PresstheBANDSELorCONTSELkeyfor thebandyou wishtoconsolidate.. Press the MR key to enter the Memory ChannelMode..Select anymemorychannel within thebank you wishtoconsolidate.iww344.PressandholdtheFkeyandthenpresstheLOWkey.Abeepwillsoundtosignalthatconsolidationhastakenplace.Thedisplaywillchangetoshowthetotalnumberofactivememorychannelsafterconsolidation.Example15 channels are memorized in bank 3.!Press and hold ] Gbi.Tocheck consolidationon theotherbanksyoucanrotatethetuningcontrol,orstep thru thememorybankswiththemicrophoneUP/DWNswitches.TheS-meterwillshowarelative indicationof thememorychannel usagefor thebank,asshownin theaccompanyingdiagram.MNS.on~le~1b~