4-8 PAGING (Requires optional DTU-2)The function is useful for net operations or forselectively calling an individual calling.Example: When member 2 is calledF : 145.660MHzIndividual Code: 111Code to be called: 333y 145.660MHz333 14Code to Individual Codev7 be calledvA Display| ert || pw? OO OCCalled me!! fe La)faieyF : 145.660MHz F : 145.660MHz F : 145.660MHzIndividual Code ;222 Individual Code :333 Individual Code ;444Member 1 Member 2 Member 3Normal operating procedure would require that youmake prior arrengements with all members of thegroup/net, so that all interested parties know whichDTMF code will be used for individual/group calls, andthat everyone knows who uses which individual code.Since the paging system makes use of a 3 digit code (000thru 999) you could have a very large group and stillhave extra code groups available.The paging function permits the 3 digit code of thecalling station to be displayed in the display to alloweasy identification of the calling station.46Simplified operation procedure[ Set your individual DTMF code.[Select the desired operating frequency .[ Enter the paging mode.’ yTo call other stations1). Select the DTMFcode for the distantstation.2). Transmit3). Make the QSO.To listen for a call,wait for the squelchto open.