SCAN-PROGRAM SCANProgram Scan is identical to VFO Scan except that youselect a frequency range for the scan.n Setting Scan LimitsYou can store up to 10 scan ranges in Memorychannels L0/U0 to L9/U9.1 Press [VFO].2 Select your desired band.3 Rotate the Tuning control to select your desiredfrequency for the lower limit.4 Press [F].• A memory channel number appears and blinks.5 Rotate the Tuning control to select a channel fromL0 to L9.6 Press [M.IN] to set the channel number.• The lower limit is stored in the channel.7 Rotate the Tuning control to select your desiredfrequency for the lower limit.8 Press [F].9 Rotate the Tuning control to select a matchingchannel number from U0 to U9.• For example, if you select channel L3 in step 5, selectchannel U3 here.10 Press [M.IN] to set the channel number.• The upper limit is stored in the channel.• To confirm the stored scan limits, press [MR],then select the L and U channels.Note:u The lower limit must be lower in frequency than the upperlimit.u The lower and upper frequency step sizes must be equal.u The lower and upper limits must be selected on the sameband.n Using Program Scan1 Select your desired band.2 Press [VFO].3 Rotate the Tuning control to select a frequencywithin your desired scan range.4 Press [VFO] (1s).• Scan starts at the current frequency.• The 1 MHz decimal blinks while scanning is inprogress.• To reverse the scan direction, turn the Tuningcontrol clockwise (upward scan) or counterclockwise(downward scan). You can also press microphone[UP]/ [DWN].5 To quit Program Scan, press [VFO] again.Note:u If the step size differs between the lower limit and upper limit,VFO scan will begin instead of Program Scan.u If the current VFO frequency is within more than one ProgramScan range, the range stored in the smallest channel numberis used.MHz SCANMHz Scan monitors a 1 MHz segment of the band, usingthe current frequency step size. The current 1 MHz digitdetermines the limits of the scan. For example, if thecurrent frequency is 145.400 MHz, then the scan rangewould be from 145.000 MHz to 145.995 MHz (the exactupper limit depends on the current frequency step size).1 Select your desired band.2 Press [VFO].3 Rotate the Tuning control to select a frequency withinyour desired 1 MHz range.4 Press and hold the Tuning control for 1 second to startscanning.• Scan starts at the current frequency.• The 1 MHz decimal blinks while scanning is in progress.• To reverse the scan direction, turn the Tuning controlclockwise (upward scan) or counterclockwise (downwardscan). You can also press microphone [UP]/ [DWN].5 To quit MHz Scan, press the Tuning control again.CALL SCANUse Call Scan to monitor both the Call channel and eitherthe currently selected VFO frequency or the currentlyselected Memory channel.1 Select your desired VFO frequency or Memorychannel.2 Press [CALL] (1s) to start Call Scan.• The 1 MHz decimal blinks while scanning is in progress.• When scanning a Memory channel, the Call channel onthe same band as the selected Memory channel is usedfor scan.3 To quit Call Scan, press [CALL] again.Note: The Memory channel selected is scanned even if it has beenlocked out of scan.