APRS-RECEIVING A mESSAGEEach time a proper message is received, the frequencydisplay is interrupted to show information as below:q: Indicatorw: Call sign (TX)e: Receive timer: Messaget: TX/RX datey: Line number• The display shows up to 67 characters of the message.• “ 01” will appear to indicate the number of messages not yetread.• The following indicators appear depending on the types ofreceived messages:Indicator MeaningMessage addressed to youB Bulletin! Report by the National Weather ServiceReception acknowledgment (or rejection) toyour messageG Message groupTo restore the frequency display after reading themessage, press the Tuning control “ 01” will disappear. Ifyou do not read the message at this time, press [ESC]. “01” will remain on the restored frequency display.• The number increments if you press [ESC] for newly receivedmessages. Checking them with the List function causes thenumber to decrement. If “01” was shown, both the numberand message icon disappear.When a duplicate message from the same stationis received, an error beep sounds; however, anacknowledgment is returned. “dM” and a call sign appearon the display.• When a message to other stations is received, “oM” appears.Note:u This transceiver allows you to receive a message also whenthe SSID does not match. However, it will not return a receptionacknowledgment.u The dedicated memory is used for storing both incoming and outgoingmessages. Receiving a new message when the memory is full causesthe oldest message to be deleted. A message not yet transmitted 5times may be unexpectedly deleted. If the oldest message has notbeen accessed using the List function when memory is full, a newmessage does not replace the oldest message. This transceiver willreturn a reject command and display “rM”.u This transceiver beeps each time it receives any type of APRS packet.You may access Menu 624 (SOUND-RX BEEP) to change thissetting. The default is “ALL”.ENTERING A mESSAGETo transmit a message, first enter the call sign of thetarget station. To transmit a bulletin, enter “BLN#” instead;where # must be 0 to 9 or A to Z. When the length of yourbulletin exceeds 64 digits, you may transmit more thanone packet to send the entire bulletin. Use # to indicatethe sequence of the bulletin portions. For example, enter“BLN0” (or “BLNA”) to send the first packet, then “BLN1”(or “BLNB”) to send the second packet.1 Press [KEY], [MSG].2 Press [NEW] or [REPLY].• The display for entering a call sign appears; the first digitblinks. (When you press [REPLY], not necessarily)[BACK]: Cancels entry of a call sign.[←]: Causes the cursor to move backward.[INS]: Inserts the currently selected character.[CLR]: Deletes the digit at which the cursor is blinking.3 Rotate the Tuning control to select the first digit.• You can enter 0 to 9, A to Z, and –.4 Press [→].5 The cursor moves to the next digit.6 Rotate the Tuning control to complete the setting.• The display for entering a message appears; the first digitblinks.[SPACE]: Inserts a space• To copy a message, enter message compilation mode,press [F] to enter function mode, then press [PASTE1],[PASTE2], [PASTE3], or [PASTE4] to copy the messagethat has been set up for each key.[ALLCLR]: Clears all digits and backs the cursor to the firstdigit.7 Rotate the Tuning control to select the first digit.• You can enter alphanumeric characters plus special ASCIIcharacters.8 Press [→].• The cursor moves to the next digit.9 Repeat steps 7 and 8 to enter up to 67 digits.10 Press the Tuning control to complete the setting.The keypad on the microphone also is available to enteralphanumeric characters in steps 3 and 7.