APRS-STORING AUTO mESSAGE REPLyEnter Menu mode and access Menu 622.n Auto Answer Reply y>While you are driving, for example, you cannotimmediately answer to received messages. On thistransceiver, you can program the message to beautomatically returned when a message is received.1 Rotate the Tuning control to select “ON”, then pressthe Tuning control.2 Rotate the Tuning control to select “TEXT”, thenpress the Tuning control.• The display for entering a message appears; the first digitblinks.• You can enter alphanumeric characters plus special ASCIIcharacters.n Reply To Call Sign y TO>When there is a message you would like to reply to forthe specific call sign, preset that call sign for automaticresponses.PROGRAmmING A mESSAGE GROUP CODEEnter Menu mode and access Menu 623.Use a message group code to exchange messages onlyamong your group members. With one or more messagegroup codes programmed, you will receive messagesthat include the same group code(s), besides messagesaddressed to you. If you program one or more bulletingroup codes, you will not receive bulletins addressedto other specific groups. You can program any desiredcode using alphanumeric characters; up to 9 charactersfor messages, and up to 4 characters for bulletins. Youcan also program up to 6 codes at the same time; eachcode must be separated by a comma (,). If you program3 message group codes, for example, you will receive allmessages that include one of the 3 codes. If you program3 bulletin group codes, you will reject bulletins addressedto specific groups which do not use any of the 3 codes.• You can enter 0 to 9, A to Z, , (comma), and –. For messages,“ ” is also selectable.• The keypad on the microphone also is available to enteralphanumeric characters.• In order to include a message group code in your outgoingpacket, enter a group code in place of a call sign. To includea bulletin group code, enter it following BLN#; for example,“BLN#ABC” where ABC is a group code. Use up to 9characters for a message group code or up to 4 characters fora bulletin group code.Note: Unlike a message, a bulletin including a group code will bereceived by stations who do not program any bulletin group code.SETTING SOUNDEnter Menu mode and access Menu 624.n Rx Beep Type x BEEP>This transceiver beeps each time it receives anytype of APRS packets for further description, refer to“RECEIVING APRS DATA”.Selection OperationOFF The APRS/NAVITRA beep tone does notsound.MESSAGEONLYBeep sounds only when a message isreceived at your station address.MINEBeep sounds when a message isreceived at your station address andyour transmitted data is received by adigipeater.ALL NEWBeep sounds when a message isreceived at your station address and newpacket data is received.ALLBeep sounds when a message isreceived at your station address andduplicate data or invalid data is received.n Special Call Sound This function emits a special call sound when data isreceived at My station address. Set the call sign of thestations from which you want to receive special callnotifications.n APRS Voice Announce When using an optional VGS-1 unit, you may selectON. Each time you receive a message addressed toyou, the transceiver announces the call sign of thesender. If the initial character of the message is %, thetransceiver announces the subsequent characters oneby one. PreviousNext |