16. PHONES JACK ®The headphones jack allows use of a 4 to 16 ohm orgreater headphone through a 1/4” phone plug. Whenphones are used the speaker is disconnected.17. MIC CONNECTOR @The four pin connector allows use of a microphone withPTT Figure 2-1 B shows plug wiring. (Page 6)18. MODE SWITCHThe mode switch selects type of emission, and TUNE.TUNE -00-+e--e0 This position provides reduced carrier andshorted key line for transceiver tuning. (In-put power to the final section is reduced toprevent tube damage during tune-up.) Usethis position to zero-beat an incoming CWsignal.CW vvveseseeseeeee Used for CW operation.USB vreeeeeees Used for upper-sideband operation. Inter-national Amateur practice dictates the useof USB on and above the 14 MHz band.«- Selects lower-sideband. International Ama-teur practice dictates the use of LSB on andbelow the 7 MHz band.19. MIC GAIN CONTROL@®This contro! adjusts microphone amplifier gain for SSBoperation. Adjust for an on-scale ALC reading on voicepeaks.20. NAR SWITCH ®With optional filters installed, the IF bandwidth can be se-lected by the Narrow Switch. The bandwidth varies withfilters being used. For details, refer to Narrow Switch onpage 16.21. PROC (SPEECH PROCESSOR) SWITCH @This switch is used during SSB operation. Set the switchto the ON position and the speech processor will be activ-ated, increasing the average talk power.22. RF ATT SWITCH ®With this switch ON, A 20 dB attenuator is_ in-serted in the antenna circuit, protecting the RF amplifierand mixer from overload on strong input signals.1023. DIGITAL DISPLAYThe digital display indicates operating frequency to thenearest 100 Hz.24, ANALOG DIAL SCALEThe mono-scale permits direct analog frequency readoutover the O to 500 kHz range, graduated at 1-kHz intervals.Opeating frequency equals the dial (in kHz) plus the BANDswitch frequency (in MHz). An additional 50 kHz bothabove and below the 500 kHz range is also covered.25. MAIN TUNINGThis controls the VFO, selecting the transceiver's operat-ing frequency. The indented knob is convenient for quicktunig.26. LOAD CONTROL @This controls the loading of the network between the finalsection and the antenna. Adjustment is described in Sec-tion 4.27. PLATE CONTROL @This controls the plate tuning of the final amplifiers. Cali-bration is approximate.28. DRIVE CONTROLThis control tunes the plate tank circuit of the 12 B Y 7Adriver as well as the receiver's antenna and mixer coils. Inreceive the DRIVE control is tuned for maximum sensitivity(maximum S-meter deflection), and in transmit for a maxi-mum ON-SCALE ALC reading. These points occur concur-rently. Tuning for one also achieves the other.29. RIT/XIT INDICATORThis indicator will light when the RIT switch or XIT switchis ON.30. RIT/XIT CONTRLThis control allows the receive frequency, transmit fre-quency or both to be shifted without using the main tuningcontrol. With the RIT switch ON, the RIT circuit is activat-ed to shift only the receive frequency.With the XIT switch ON, the XIT circuit is activated to shiftonly the transmit frequency.When both switches are ON, both frequencies are shift-ed. The center (O) position equals no shift.