9. ANTI VOX CONTROL @®Adjust the control to prevent speaker output from trippingthe VOX.10. SPEAKER JACK ®The receiver audio output can be connected through thisjack to an external 4 to 16 ohm speaker. The internalspeaker is disconnected when an external speaker is con-nected.11. EXTERNAL VFO CONNECTORThis DIN connector is used to interface the KENWOODVFO-230 or VFO-240 external VFO. The interconnectingcable is provided with the VFO.PIN FUNCTION PINVFO signalFUNCTIONVFO control2 Relay control Display control(+ on transmit)3 +9V GroundCW freq. shift control +12V12. REMOTE CONNECTORThis connector is used to interconnect a linear amplifier orother accessory item. See page 24 for detail.13. AC FUSEThis fuse protects the transmitter power supply againstshort circuits. Never use a higher amperage fuse than spe-cified; it will eventually cause extensive damage. If thefuse blows, try to determine the cause before replacing.For 110/120 volt operation use a 6 ampere fuse and for220/240 volt operation, a 4 ampere fuse.14, PREDRILLED HOLES FThese are provided for owner-installed switches or con-nectors.* VOLTAGE SELECTOR SWITCHThe 220/240 VAC or 120/220 VAC line model(TS-530SP: for Europe) is equipped with a voltage selectorswitch on the rear panel. Set this switch for your local linevoltage, as required.For TS-530DThe 110/220 VAC line model is equipped with a voltageselector switch on the rear panel. Set this switch for yourlocal line voltage, as required.13