SECTION 4. OPERATIONSetting for reception (A)BANDCenterSet to desiredSetting for transmission (A)Adjust formax RF[Adjust forAF Fullycounter-SSB receptionSLOWCW receptionFASTSet to desiredMODERF FullyTOANT Setting for reception (B)clockwiseclockwiseAC line =»—____]T1111I''1111'1III'|||!1'1'II'11|!!'Fig. 4-1 Control and Switch SettingsMicrophoneCenterUSB or LSBUse TUNE positionwhen tuningAdjust while]transmittingSetting for transmission (B)OIWSyORKG)4.1 RECEPTION (I)NOTE:Set the MIC and CAR controls to minimum to prevent acci-dental transmission before tune-up is completed. TheTS-530 must be operated into 50 ohm ~ 75 ohm antennaor dummy load with an SWR less than 2 : 1. Randomlength wire antennas or light-bulb dummy loads cannot beused.Conventional half-wave dipoles and beam antennasshould only be used at or near their resonant frequency.Exceeding an SWR of 2 : 1 can damage the output stageof the transceiver.Adjust DRIVE control for maximum deflection.Fig. 4-2 Drive Control(Preselector) Adjustment14(1) Basic Procedures for Receive OperationWith a suitable antenna and microphone or key connectedto the transceiver, set the controls as shown in Fig. 4-1.Turn the POWER switch ON. The meter, dial scale, andVFO indicator will light, indicating the transceiver is oper-ating. Advance the AF GAIN control clockwise until somereceiver noise is heard in the speaker. Turn the main tun-ing dial within the frequency range of the Amateur bandchosen until a signal is heard. Tune the signal for clearestreception, and then adjust the DRIVE control for maximumS-meter deflection. (Fig. 4-2)(2) WWV ReceptionSet the band switch to “10” and turn the main tuning con-trol to 10.0 MHz.4.2 RECEPTIN (Il)This section covers operationofcontrolsand switchestoprovidemaximumperformancefromtheTS-530.(1) NOTCH CONTROLIf a single tone such as a CW signal is superimposed onthe receive signal, turn the NOTCH ON and adjust theNOTCH control to eliminate or minimize the beat signal. Abeat of approximately 1400 Hz can be eliminated at thecenter position of the control. The NOTCH is effective be-tween 350 and 2600 Hz.